
Ronald Nash’s book Is Jesus the Only Savior? is a scholarly response to the oft-asked question of our generation. Nash takes the current answers given by many evangelicals and non-evangelicals alike and compares them to Scripture and makes a terrific case for answering “yes” to the question.

First, Nash takes on the pluralist position which answers the question of Jesus’ exclusivity with a resounding “NO!” John Hick is the main proponent of pluralism that Nash deals with in the book. Chapter by chapter, paragraph by paragraph, Nash shows how far Hick is from traditional Christianity and the plain teaching of the Scriptures.

In the book’s second half, Nash takes on the inclusivist position which is making inroads into evangelicalism. This position answers the question “Is Jesus the Only Savior” by saying “Yes, but…” Clark Pinnock’s version of inclusivism is targeted by Nash’s devastating critique of the doctrine.

Is Jesus the Only Savior? may be too scholarly for the average layperson. You will probably not hand this book to someone who asks you questions about the uniqueness of Jesus. However, Nash’s argumentation provides you with the resources necessary to help you answer the question yourself.

written by Trevin Wax  © 2007 Kingdom People blog
